Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jars Jars Jars

   I have always had this fascination with, collecting matching containers, heaven forbid there became an empty jar...I was in my glory! Jars, of any shape, size and form were my favourite by all means. Being asked many times  "what are you going to do with all THIS container, why do you need ANOTHER jar?  Yes I was the pack rat when I was young. Never having to many egg cartons, or similar containers from yogurt, sour cream, honey and what ever else you could buy in a container, and  never having a clue what I was going to do with all of them, I just liked collecting, and then finding a grand scheme what to do with them!  Eventually it would get to be to much and with my love of organizing and cleaning things out (shhhh don't tell anyone) they all became very well known to the recycling.  A few months back I was washing out an Alfredo sauce jar, and I couldn't help but stash it under my sink, but it looked so lonesome I had to keep washing and stashing jars when ever I got the chance!
Colouring the jars with Mod Podge and
food colouring in some water.
So much fun!
Enjoyed some munchies too!
So last friday I went on a pinteresting mission! Found this wonderful blog and such a cute idea of what to do with my jars. So my friend and I were off and have made cute tinted jars for our babies rooms!
Just letting em' dry a little
The end process of warming them in the oven 

What do you do with your jars?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

whats in the beans?!

Before I was put on bed rest I taught many preschool dance classes for the City of Calgary. I also taught an activities/games/ movement class where children came and we made different crafts, played different games, creating and learning. Every week these kids communications skills, gross motor skills and listening skills improved. I loved teaching this class!  
I am very passionate about teaching through play. I have always been a hands on person, who struggled in school, but exceeded when I was taught things through experience by doing things and being active. We all know how important it is to be active, weather we are babies, young kids or adults. 
I also teach an Autism Movement Therapy program, where children with Autism Soar! That is a whole different blog though so I wont get distracted. But as I have been doing this classes I have become passionate about helping kids find ways they can learn, and grow and enjoy it!  

So when I found this item I could sell I just had to post it and am really excited about it! 
This game is made by "Learning Resources" the  "Smart Toss Bean Bag tossing game" encourages kids through games and active play to challenge kids gross motor skills. Inviting players to create their own games, match colours and shapes, or numbers, by tossing the bean bags in the holes.

When I saw this item I remembered the bean bag toss game I had when I was younger! How much fun we all had playing.  I loved that game!

Check out some reviews given by customers, and don't forget to check out my Bonanza booth and ebay page!  

Friday, November 9, 2012

bAbY and CaKe!

We found out the Gender of our little miss and I made cakes that our families had to cut into to find out if she was a boy or girl! It was lots of fun...and lots of cakes!

... In case you missed it we are having a

Baby Baby Baby

Sept 08, 13 Weeks

Sept 16, 14 Weeks
Dear Little one!
We are just so excited to be having you come to us! After I started getting nauseous on the boat at girls camp I wondered if I was pregnant! It was so hard to wait 8 days before I found out on July 16, 2012! I have to say it was the best day after my birthday day ever! 

Mommy got bronchitis at 8 weeks, I was quite nervous but thankfully I was able to take some things for it and it passed as I started getting morning sickness, and soon it was just the two of us up during the middle of the nights having our little 3 am snack!  You have mommy wanting all her root veggies! mMm! I had a couple of weeks where I couldn't get enough beets! So delicious! As much as Mommy loves Ice Cream you don't! Or rather nothing really sweet at all! Somedays we cannot even eat fruit as that is too sweet.  You also were not a big fan of Ground Beef, Oatmeal or Eggs,  these things have all gotten to be ok with you except Ground Beef does not taste like anything at all or is not very appealing. Ice Cream, or sweets, are still not the greatest but thats ok! We will stay nice and healthy!
 You gave us a little scare at about 12 weeks, as there was a small tear in the placenta, so Mommy went on Bed rest for a little bit, but am happy to say that did not last very long!
 I had a hunch you were a lil lady when we had an ultrasound at about 13 weeks! I said, its a girl! Look at those cute little lips!  She is so pretty! I fell in love with you and have had many more moments like that since. When we found out you were a girl, at 19 Weeks we were very excited! I still don't think I have stopped smiling! Thinking of all the cute little dresses, bows,  doing your hair and dancing in the kitchen with you! 
Sept 30, 16 Weeks
Daddy and I have thought long and hard about your name, we will decide for sure if your are going to be our little Ellie Marie when you come out, but that is your name as of now.  Daddy likes to call you his little El!  Now at 22 weeks we have gotten the clear from the doctors to do more exercise! Yay! I cant wait to dance around the house, with you baby Girl! 
Love Mommy xoxo

Sept 23, 15 Weeks
Oct 19,  19 Weeks

0ct 15, 18 Weeks

Nov 01,  20 Weeks
Nov 09, 22 Weeks